Brew Tips

How to Brew: Cold Brew Bag Coffee

How to Brew: Cold Brew Bag Coffee

Tools and Materials

  • 7 Tastes Coffee cold brew bag
  • 250ml of room temperature water
  • Airtight glass or plastic container

The ratio of coffee to water can be adjusted to your taste. The more water you use, the lighter the coffee will taste.


  1. Put the cold brew bag into the container.
  2. Pour the room temperature water into the container.
  3. Gently stir the mixture to ensure the coffee grounds in the cold brew bag are evenly wet.
  4. Close the container tightly and refrigerate for 12-24 hours. The longer the steeping time, the stronger the coffee flavor will be.
  5. Take the cold brew bag out of the container.
  6. Your 7 Tastes Coffee cold brew is ready to drink! Home brewers can add a little water or milk if the coffee is too strong for their taste.

Alat dan Bahan

  • Cold brew bag 7 Tastes Coffee
  • Air 250ml dengan suhu ruang
  • Wadah kaca atau plastik yang kedap udara

Perbandingan kopi dan air bisa disesuaikan dengan selera masing-masing. Semakin banyak air, rasa kopi yang dihasilkan akan semakin ringan.


  1. Masukkan Cold Brew Bag ke wadah lalu tuang air.
  2. Aduk perlahan agar bubuk kopi dalam Cold Brew Bag terkena air dengan merata.
  3. Tutup rapat lalu simpan dalam kulkas selama 12 – 24 jam. Semakin lama proses perendaman, rasa kopi yang dihasilkan akan semakin pekat.
  4. Angkat cold brew bag dari wadah.
  5. Cold brew 7 Tastes Coffee sudah bisa dinikmati! Home brewers bisa menambahkan sedikit air atau susu apabila rasa kopi yang dihasilkan dirasa terlalu kuat.